Thursday, December 1, 2011

LOL. OMG! FUNNY. (by Andy)

I heard a kind of turmoil in my bathroom bedroom this morning in my way in to take my morning shower and found Andres, Steve and Emi in the shower one in front of another, all with bonners looking at Andres pubic area. I was naked and as soon Andres saw me, came to me asking me "Dy? Can you see the hairs I got? They said I don`t have any but I do, look." I bended and couldn`t help  laughing. Andres "DYyy." He grab my index finger and rubbed it against the place he said he got them. I didn`t want to break my baby bro heart, so I tried to grab the hairs he said he has between my thumb and index fingers but just grab skin, even though I made it looks like I was grabbing something and the other two saw his skin lifted up. Andres "See?."  The other two weren`t convince about it and just told him "That was Dy pulling up your skin Andres." To stopped all this "contest" lol, I told Andres "Don`t worry baby, you will have lots in couple of years." Andres (grabbing a hand full of MY pubic hairs and pulling) "Like you Dy?" me "Oouch! Andres. That hurts baby. Don`t pull them like that again please." and before I even can blink, my baby bro stamp a kiss in my pubic area, and hugging me by the wrist told me "I`m sorry Dy. I didn`t mean it to pull them so hard."

I start to tear down bad and hugged him so tight because if you know Andres background and all the sexual abuse he took from his Dad, then you know the meaning. When Andres came to live with his new family, he didn`t hug or kiss no body but Rob and Luc, and Luc after Rob with him in his arms, get close to Luc and told him that he was his brother too and he loves him as much as him. Andres have saw Luc when doing webcam with Spain before the adoption and it was the only way he then extend his arms and allow Luc to hug him and kiss him. There on have been just love between those two. Andres just took showers with Rob and Luc or allow just them to help him with changing his cloth and all that. He allows and went to uncle Lucas arms like five weeks after he came here and that because he knows was Luc`s Dad, with uncle Robert was different because was Rob`s Dad. He was different with Luc and Rob Mums though. So, for him to been changing to normal and been doing what he was doing with his bros, and trust me the way he does, have been mind blowing for me. Andres "Oh Dy. Don`t cry please I didn`t mean it." me "No baby I`m tearing down out of happiness because I love you so very much. Come, lets finish our showers, we got to get ready for school." Andres "But you scrubs me Dy." me 'Yes I will." Andres tenderness hits us good every time. Is that came out of him so natural and pure.

I`m so happy our baby bro is progressing so much and quick. He has a long way to go though but we all have been giving him, and will always give him all the love he may need without limits. Andres is very special to me. I got him in the deepest of my self. I love him with my whole being.

Any kind of abuse to children but specially sexual abuse, is one of the things I hate with my whole heart in this life. Is so horrible the damage always does.

Please kids, don`t allow no body to abuse you. Tell some body.
A hug to every sexual abused kid out there. I love every one of you.

Tomorrow night our big bros and the other kids will be here, YES!. I can`t wait.

With love,


P.S. Today is world AIDS day and I have been thinking in Rob lots.  I know as soon as I mention this I was going start to cry. Well, still hurts you know. I wish to be able to hug and console any kid with AIDS out there.


Vic said...

Hi Andy

What a sparkle of fun those boys were having together, just what little boys do as they compare with each others nudity. Nothing but nothing stirs the ego opportunity more than when you notice your first pubic hairs growing, and Andreas just made it hilariously funny to tell every one.

Christmas is only a few weeks away and the wish lists are probably on all your minds, it will set me back a few quid but giving provides me with heaps of happiness. My close friends always turn up because they love my cooking, and I usually get my rewards by beating them at cards with a healthy profit to boot by the time they leave. Hopefully you will have a great time too, and that your presents are all you wish for.

Have a nice time tonight when Luc and Julian return home, I bet you're building up for it and the tears will flow as always. Thanks for your lovely post, a real howler that made me laugh so much.

Andy said...

@Vic- That was so funny. They always got me as a judge for all his contests. Was so rewarding for me too, just hit me suddenly how kewl it was to see Andres so normal, well you know me, I`m a weeping boy, but sou. We got a surprise for all the kids for Christmas. I really want nothing besides to be with my family. I`m complete with all my bros. I really wish you a good Christmas time, full of love, joy and peace. Thank you.