Monday, October 10, 2011

BAD NEWS (by Andy)

Our hearts goes to the Duarte family. His Dad passed away this early morning. Our God console your hearts and give you peace.

I was surprise to see Luc back so early. He informed me about this sad news. The eleven kids Luc bring home every weekend are very intelligent kids that have earned an scholarship  in that Academy. They all come from a very humble socioeconomic background. The Academy is very exclusive and is just accessible to a very wealthy families. This eleven kids are from all around Spain and not able to go back home every weekend and even holidays, that is before Luc start studying there. He talked to his parents about it and explained to them what he would like to do and why and they said yes. These kids will be home with their families every holiday and here every weekend. They are all so sweet and educated.

As soon as Luc arrived to the Academy this morning, he noticed something very unusual when they all greeted. Luc asked what was happening and they informed him, but Hernandez explained to Luc the situation and asked him if was possible for him to do something about it. Duarte just have his Dad and a little brother. His Mum died four years ago in a car accident and his Dad now of a heart attack. They doesn`t have for cover funeral and burial expenses, Duarte was very sad and distressed because all this and over all he have no possibility to go and buried his Dad. Luc told him not to worry and gave to him few minutes. He called uncle Lucas (that was at the airport ready to go back to USA) and explained the situation. Uncle told him to wait for him at the Academy and that meanwhile go to the Director office, explained to him, get Duarte to talk to his family there, ask the Director to call him to extend a permit to all of them for three days (that is Duarte, his 10 friends and Luc), tell the kids to be ready for a couple of days trip and to tell Duarte not to worry because his Dad will be buried with dignity. The Horneck`s will cover everything. Luc asked me if I would like to go with him, what a question. I love Luc.

The flags with the Coats of  Arms of  Horneck and Mentzy families, are half mast today.

As soon as uncle Lucas arrived to the Academy, Luc gave him all the information. They went to the Director`s office and they learned that the Academy was going cover half of the costs but uncle Lucas told the Director "Now? Because I came to take care of a kid that has the third place in excellence and grades in this Educational Institution, is when something illuminate your brain for you to do something in behalf of that kid? I think Director, that if my son does not call me, that boy would have had to suffer in this whole process twice. One of the things this Educational Institution has is economic power. I am expecting that Duarte will have all his expenses cover in full for the next Christmas Holidays. I am pretty sure that this Institution will not go into bankruptcy for cover those expenses. Thanks for the offer. We will take care of him now. I would like for you to keep in mind another issue too. If get to my knowledge that any of those eleven kids have been discriminated, bullied or humiliated for anyone in this Educational Institution because their humbled socioeconomic status, I will be expecting for you to take action. If there is any situation in this regard and for reasons that I understand will be out of your hands the power to do something about it, call me and I will confront anyone, because I understand your situation. If you does not do anything, you will lose your job. Did I made my self clear? Have a good day."  Ooops. Second time in my life I heard of uncle Lucas talked so firmly to a person. No wonder Luc is how he is. YES! That`s my uncle.

Duarte is so sweet. He hugged uncle when he arrive to our home and told him "Mr. Horneck Sr., I have no words to thank you. I will be grateful to you all for the rest of my life Sr.",  he broke down bad and just was able to finish with: "Thank you". Uncle Lucas went to him and hugged him, Luc as well. He said to Luc: "Thank you so very much Horneck" and really cried for a good ten minutes in a hug with Luc. Luc was teary eyes but didn`t broke down. He just told Duarte: "You don`t worry Duarte. You and you little brother will be fine. I promise." Hernandez told us that is the first time he broke down since he knew about his Dad.

Uncle did all the arrangements all ready with the funerary and cemetery for Duarte`s Dad burial. One of uncle Lucas aid is almost landing at Duarte`s home town to have everything ready by the time we all get there. We are ready waiting for uncle Lucas to go. I am so sad for Duarte but so happy for what uncle is doing. Luc parents and my Mum will be with us.

Kids pray for Duarte and all of us please.
I will keep you all updated.

With love,



Vic said...


This is so tragic for Duarte, his brother and all his friends, how on earth do you deal with this when you lose your dad so suddenly. Luc has been a great help along with his dad, and I just wonder where this leaves the two brothers. It would be really nice if close relatives can offer them a home with their family, and I hope Duarte wont have to give up his place at the academy. Hopefully Luc will find a way to bring these boys through this tragic time, and that their future will be looked after.

Andy said...

We just arrived at our hotel Vic. Yes is tragic and the two boys are devastated, but I know uncle Lucas will do something and the Duarte brothers will be fine. Thanks. I am going to bed, is 2:19AM.