Is our privilege that a human being said this about our blog, 7 or 67.
Just because he can see God through all this, we strongly believe have been worth it. We pray that every one who pass, read and see the same, his/her life become to be blessed by God and start experiencing how good is God, start asking God for mercy and begin the process of salvation.
Besides to warned kids and parents about how bad sexual crimes affect the lives of the victims and their families, Rob purpose was to show God.
"Luc and Andy,
How Great is Our Awesome God!!
Yes, I said, "Our"! Because he is my God now too! For too many years, I served a deity that lived in a building called "church" or on a cloud somewhere in the sky. And I only visited him in his house. I never saw him, or felt him or really ever "knew" him. I just did what was expected of me and "worshiped" him. That was until I found the blog and met you. You openly accepted me with all my faults and baggage. You believed in me. You trusted me. Then, you introduced me to a real and living God. And my life changed! I watched you, Luc, Andy and Rob as you did what was natural and normal for you: you loved God. And you shared that love with everyone, regardless of who or what they were. That was (and is) what your family is all about, putting God first in your lives, then each other and finally all others. By your examples, I have seen and understand the simplicity of love; the great and wonderful depth of true, perfect love. The love that Jesus tells us to have. The love that resonates so expressly in the bible. I realize now the perfect faith and trust in God and what it really means. Yes, I saw it in your lives.
Today, my devotion was the healing power of God:
" Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares about you." (I Peter 5:7)
"Come, O children, listen to me;
I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
What man is there who desires lifeand loves many days, that he may see good?
Keep your tongue from evil
and your lips from speaking deceit.
Turn away from evil and do good;seek peace and pursue it.
The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteousand his ears toward their cry.
The face of the Lord is against those who do evil,to cut off the memory of them from the earth.
When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hearsand delivers them out of all their troubles.
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted
and saves the crushed in spirit". (Psalm 34:11-18)
Luc, I saw God's love for you as He touched your heart through Rob's videos, Andy and your families' loving support. And, I am deeply moved. You had carried that pain for so many months, yet you always put other's needs before yourself. And Andy, you were bullied, harassed, rejected and depressed only to know the pain and anguish Luc is going through and now you are an awesome support and companion for Luc. Yes, I know, you two are just doing what was natural, just being "normal". Well, because of the lives you have lived, I for one, have met the true and living God. The One who is beside me right this moment. The One who cares about me when I hurt and shares that hurt. The One who laughs with me. The One who puts His loving arms around me when I need that hug. The One who listens to me even what I have nothing to say. The One who carries me when I can't walk by myself. The One you introduced me to. Thank you! Your being "natural and normal" opened my heart to hope and trust. And, now I can so truly say, "How great is OUR God!!!!!!
Now my hope and prayers is that everyone who reads the blog can find that God and the love He wants so much to give. It is there. It is real. It is true. I know!
May God continue to bless each of you.
I love you with my heart and soul,
We wish all of you can see and experience God forgiveness and love.
He is real.
With love,
Luc and Andy
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