Friday, June 10, 2011


Kids, when some one send you an email like this one, you know you got a friend and a big bro.
This one is from my beautiful big bro Cat.
Dear bro,
I just wanted to send you an email message because I really miss you and lil bro. Wow... just a day and it’s this bad. I’m sorry I didn’t catch you yesterday, I hope your doctor’s appointment went well and that you are doing ok. I read the chat history and saw that you were starting on some sleeping pills so I hope you get lots of rest, but especially “emotional rest”, as you’ve said. You need it!! I can’t wait for today, I hope it will all go well with the bible study and I hope everyone will be there! We’ll see how it goes . If by any chance you don’t feel up to it to be there I think we’ll all understand, we want what’s best for you and if your dad limited you to staying online for only 30 mins for a few weeks, we agree with him! We all love you very much and want what’s best for you! I love you a ton so I understand if you need the break (although I’ll miss you very much)... remember? love is freedom!
So, updates from vamp-land... There have been some weather changes here, it’s kinda crazy: warm, then suddenly cold. I turned off the heating one day then had to turn it on the next because my vamp butt was freezing . Anyway, it seems like London weather now, quite foggy, but I hope it’ll clear up! I’m going into full study mode again, tomorrow is my first exam so I have to study hard and take it with a good mark. I’ll let you know how it went, but for now everything seems okay! I feel very energetic and motivated so it’s been easy to study. Let me tell you one thing: you strived to make me spend 20 mins minimum every day with God for a month and that I would feel the changes... well, let me tell you that it’s only beed about 4 days! 4 days of reading the Bible and praying in the morning and before bed, 4 days of letting God into my life, spending as much time as I could with him every day and I feel the difference, bro! I really feel happier, more at peace, everything seems sooo much better!! So I wanted to thank you again and tell you that you were right! If the first 4 days were like this, then I can’t wait to see how it is after a month!! Thank you, from my heart!!
Please take care of yourself, I want my beautiful bro well, I don’t want you sad or fatigued! I love you so much, it hurts so much to see you suffer! I wish I could have the freedom to give you a hug, but seems the thousands of miles prevent me... Oh well, I’m sending you one through this mail now!
Take care bro,
Best wishes to you and everyone there,
I love you lots,
Your bro forever,

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