You may wonder what this blog is all about if you have just started reading. Well, it is a long story that can be summed up with one word: LOVE!! It was started by Robert Mentzy to promote awareness of the destruction caused by child abuse and molestation. When reports of several young people who committed suicide because of bullying were aired, he added bullying his agenda. No matter whether it is physical, mental or emotional abuse of a child by anyone of any age, it is unacceptable. Everyone has a right to be accepted and loved without any reservations of any kind. Because Robert himself suffered a brutal rape, he wanted to warn other kids and their parents of the danger lurking in this world and to provide a place find encouragement and understanding and most of all, love. Through the love that Robert’s dad and mum had for each other and for Robert and their deep trust and faith in God, he developed his love and trust in God and a strong love and concern for those about him.

Joining Robert was Lucas, his closest friend and constant companion. Just like Robert, Lucas wants to share love and acceptance to everyone. Together, they reached out to many through webcam sessions with church and school groups. And, through the blog thousands through out the world have been and are continually touched. They shared openly and joyfully God’s love and care for everyone. So many people of all ages have found encouragement, affirmation and love from these two awesome boys.

It was shortly after the airing of the bullying of several gay kids that Robert and Lucas decided to invite several gay boys to visit them to understand the pains and sufferings of young gays. Thirteen year old Andy was one of those boys who were invited. Soon a strong bond of love was formed and Andy and his family became close friends of the families.

Robert passed away on December 28, 2010 at the age of 14. As he had promised, Lucas was by his side. Lucas and Andy now carry on his legacy, this blog. If any kids have been abused or just seek a place to find acceptance, affirmation, care and love, you are always welcomed here. Remember, everyone deserves to be loved and appreciated and you will always find that here.

Thank you for visiting Robert’s blog. If you can, take time to read prior posts to see the journey so far. Please leave a comment to mark your visit. If you would like to contact anyone here, please do so through my addy, jmack043@gmail.com and I will forward it on to the appropriate person. Your comments to the postings and in the Cbox are always welcomed and appreciated.

To all kids and parents, please always be aware of the dangers lurking everywhere. Parents teach your children how to avoid dangerous situations. And, kids, report any fears to your parents, teachers, pastors or anyone you trust for no one has any right to abuse you in any way. You will always find friends and love here.

God bless,
