Sunday, December 4, 2011

LUC (by Andy)

We went to a restaurant after church today. Then Orejuelas one of the cadets stand up to talk: Orejuelas "I want to publicly thank you Horneck for saving my life. I was so sure you will do something about it as soon I explain to you my situation. We were right and all agreed 100% when voted for you to be our leader in the last training. You`re the best leader we ever had, not to mention one of the best friends we all ever had too. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Horneck for rising him so well. He is a credit to you. I love you Horneck and I always will. I will never forget you save my life."

I asked my Dad "Dad? What is he talking about?" But uncle Lucas "I know that his little brothers are confuse because they doesn`t know what you are talking about Orejuelas. Would you please be so kind and explain to them Julian?" Julian "Yes Dad". Julian turn to us and "In the last training, at the second night, Orejuelas approached Luc informing him that he doesn`t know how, but he lost his diabetic insulin kit and he was feeling real bad. (Orejuelas is diabetic and have to shot him self every night) Luc asked him when was his last shot and Orejuelas told him it was the night before. Luc touch his forehead and took his pulse and them call all of us in attention telling us "We got an emergency because Orejuelas lost his diabetic kit and we have to reset our minds right now and start another mission. This one is to save Orejuelas life and this is an order. Did I made my self clear?", all of us "Yes Sr.", Luc "Good. I want all of us to practice all the theory we have learned about first AID and to follow all the protocols that involve an emergency. Remember we are no longer in the training exam until Orejuelas is evacuated. I want a fire and all the steps to call attention to us as we have in theory. Now is for real and I want all of you alert and working as a team, this will be the only way we will be able to save his life. Lets work soldiers." Then we did all by the book with Luc supervising everything. About 45 minutes later, the soldiers in charge to respond to an emergency from the Academy, reach to us and Luc inform them about the situation. They call by radio and 50 minutes later a medivac heli evacuate Orejuelas to safety. I can not be more proud of you bro. We put our lives in the right hands and you didn`t let us down and I`m talking for all of us, because we respect you and love you. Thank you bro." Luc "You`re all welcome but I did what I was suppose to do and I was pretty scare, I know the responsibility to carry being a leader. I thanks God because I was praying pretty hard all the time, besides that, this wasn`t "me" but "we", don`t forget that."  Uncle Lucas stood up "Son?" Luc stood up facing him "Sr.", "I want you to know son how proud I am of you. You first went to the Highest Leader, you went to God. You are a growing leader and  doing well. I am starting to see the good man is taking shape out of you and I am the happiest Dad. Thank you for put your group together and as a team save soldier Orejuelas life. That is leadership. Thank you for not let down your friend Orejuelas. That`s what friends are for, is friendship. I love you Lucas.", Luc "I love you more Dad."

We his little bros were all teary eyes and proud. We weren`t surprise for the fact he didn`t say a thing. He is just like that.  Maria and her parents were there and she kissed him preeeetty good in front of every body. One of those "eat each other" kisses they usually All the cadets start (after couple of minutes) like, ejem!, then another answer in the other extreme ejem!, then they keep doing it faster and faster until Luc couldn`t take it no more and start to laugh breaking the kiss. Then every body start to laugh. Omg, those two are really in love. lol Then they start teasing Luc like "this is not fair", another one "oh no is not", another "Horneck is a teaser", "oh yes he is", "and I have to sleep by my self tonight", "is sad", "do you know that guy who was trying to have the girl for lunch?", "I think that I have saw him around at the academy" and on, but they`re real funny and Luc was so read face laughing. Maria as well, actually all of us. That was a so good lunch time.

My big bro hugged me back home and hold the hug looking at me straight in the eyes for a moment, kissed me in my forehead and couple of tears start rolling down his cheeks. He told me "Don`t you ever forget how much I love you. I don`t know about anything yet, that can stopped me for loving you because even after death I will. I would like you to come to me, feeling free to tell me anything and I mean anything. I`m praying that something like what happened yesterday, never ever happens again. I will give you extra time. I want to spend more time with you. I love you." Was difficult for me to answer him but I told him "I promise Luc. I promise." How not to love a big bro like him?  I love you Luc.

I wish Santa bring to every kid a brother like him.

With love,



Joe (Grandpa) said...

Thank you once again for letting us know about Luc's awesome leadership. As Uncle Lucas said, Luc went to the Supreme Leader for answers. Luc's leadership is based so deeply in his heart which is governed by our loving God. Like his dad and grand dad before him, Luc is becoming a strong and caring leader. They have put God first in their lives and live according to the great love that God has vested in their hearts. And, just as a good leader does, he puts the lives and well being of his men first before his own just as he did when he saved the three cadets on the sea exercise. Yes, Luc is becoming a great and worthy leader. I know that God is so proud of Luc. And yes, I am proud of him too!

Andy, I know it was hard for you to face the problem you are facing. And, even harder to talk to Luc about it. I understand. There are times that we feel even though we know those we are closest to will still love and care for us, it is so hard to talk about things so devastating to us. Now you know that you can always go not only to God, but to your dad and Luc with anything no matter how "dirty" you may feel about it. You are young and developing. But, your love for God, your parents, brothers and your familiy will ALWAYS carry you through any problem or situation no matter what. I too, will be here if you ever need. Andy, like your parents, Luc, your brothers and family, I too am so very proud of you! As I said before your courage and love is awesome! God bless you alway!!

I love you,


Vic said...


The year is not quite over and yet it has been filled with the most amazing events in Luc's life, and he takes it in his stride as the born leader he has become. There is a newness about him as if he has the power to overcome anything, and many hearts couldn't keep a regular beat if he wasn't around to share the burden. His parents have many reasons to be proud, we all have because he has a proven track record that goes back a long way. With every little word he speaks to you there is a peace of his heart attached to it, and it is the same for everybody who shares his life.

A few tears reading your post but, a pleasure to know someone like Luc.

Andy said...

@Pa- Luc is pretty unique and always amaze me. And I won`t go through hell again for not to talk to him. I will let him know.
Love you too. Thanks.

Andy said...

@Vic- You`re so right. He have been overcoming lots and I can`t be happier. And in the way he talk to me have been made me love him more and more by the day. He`s so awesome! Thanks.