Sunday, November 27, 2011


We`re so happy, specially Luc.
Pa comment couple of minutes ago and let us know that he receive an email from Rhys:

"Andy, Luc,

I got another email this morning from Rhys;

hello Joe

some good news finally
dad is breathing on his own again
there is hope
thanks for praying, its helping

Our prayers do help. God hears us. May God continue to be with Harry.

God bless,


Church was so good today and we ask for prayers for Mr. Harry.
We hope he keep getting better.
We are in a praying spirit mood and God do answer. He some times didn`t answer what we want but He do answer what He have a purpose for.
May God continue to be with Mr. Harry, Rhys and family.



Vic said...

God is amazing 24/7, and so are our prayers. Thanks for the update, best news I've had to day.

Andy said...

YES HE IS!! Thank you Vic!

Joe (Grandpa) said...

Yes, isn't our God so awesome? Before I met the wonderful Luc, Rob and Andy, I "thought" I knew God. Boy was I ever in for a treat when they introduced me to the "real" and loving God I serve today. I hope you too have found that real and loving God also.

Thank you for your postings to the blog. You write so well. I know that Rob is proud of your love and care in keeping his legacy going. And, thank you for being you.


Andy said...

Thank you Pa. Love you too.