I can not even imagine how it is losing your Dad. I can see the sadness and pain, but I want you two to know that you do have a Father in our heavenly Father. Ask Him and you will find consolation. I promise.
No man on this earth will replace your Dad but you will find a Dad in uncle Lucas, uncle Robert and my Dad. I am offering you two my Dad. I know he loves you two all ready, both of my parents do. I am offering my Mum too. You two will find in her the most loving care woman I have ever meet. In Luc and Steve Mums as well.
You have four new friends and brothers too, Luc, Andres, Steve and my self. Never feel you have no one because we will be here for you two always. You two are not alone. I promise. Welcome to our home. We love you.
With love,
This is simple, you just are being Andy and this is why I love you so very much.
Aaww. Lets put it this way: I have a so good teacher in you and this is why I love you too.
Andy & Luc
The two brothers will miss their dad terribly, but with their new adopted family comes security plus a home where love and company is firmly established. I know you guys will pull together and make their time with you a very happy experience, and they will appreciate the comfort and help they receive.
Guys, you are simply awesome.
To Julian & Emilio
I welcome you as my friend, and I'm so sorry and sad for your great loss.
Luc and Andy have explained things so I know they are looking after you, and my heart will love you as much as I love them.
Best wishes
@Vic Thanks very much. Yes we love them. We are here for them all the way.
What else would be expected from the family Williams? Just like your dad Andy, you open your heart and share the most precious things to you. Not only your own parents, but the God you love so much.
The brothers Duarte will have an awesome, loving brother in you. As well as Luc, Andres and Steve. I know this will not replace their mum and dad, but will open a whole new world of love and care for them.
God bless you Andy.
My love,
God share His only Son with me. He came to die for me. I am just doing a normal thing Pa. God bless you too Pa.
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