Wednesday, July 20, 2011

BACK TO USA (by Andy)

Luc have been pretty quite and pensive for the last two days. He have to go back home. The thing is he have two choices, he told me "I have two choices, 1st: assume responsibility for the status I born with or 2nd: don`t do nothing about it, which will disappoint big deal my parents and lots of people". He have to go to take training in few things and get ready for the Military Academy and he doesn`t want to. He wants nothing to do with the status he born with and just go on with his life doing good but without that burden, that is what he calls his status "burden".

I told him that I`m behind him whatever his decision will be. He wants his dad not to sign for another period in the job he is doing and go back to Spain. I don`t know what uncle Lucas have had answered to him about this but I think won`t be soon. Uncle Lucas told him that he understand what he is going through because he went through the same when he was his age. Luc answered him "What a comfort!", uncle Lucas start chasing him all the way to the room and tickles him bad.

We been having lots of fun though. Luc talk to his parents about a gift he would like to give to the 13 kids we meet the first day, Luc ask for them to pay in full the next School Year for all of them and his parents say yes. Was a pretty emotional goodbye. We hug and kiss all of them and their parents. It was kewl. We will do webcam with them. We will boarded Luc parents plane about noon tomorrow, is about 9 hours fly to Florida.

Luc told me that we will do lots of things at the house, he wants to finish teaching me scuba diving, is what he wants to do the most, that way we can do it together. I love it. He wants to comfort me though, he feels not good at all about going back now, we all the kids do too, any of us want to go back now, but...........

Hope and wish that every kid have been having a grate summer vacation.
Be careful out there.
Parents, watch your kids.
Adults, protect us.

Love you all,


Joe (Grandpa) said...

Luc, I am so sorry you are having to go through this hard decision. You have struggled for some time with this. Know that I will be praying for you and I am always here for you. I wish there were more that I could do to help you.

Andy, thank you for your awesome, loving support for Luc. You have been such a great help to him during these last several months. God definantly knew what He was doing when He put you two together.

God bless you both. My love too.


Luc said...

Yeah. Thanks Joe. I really need prayers right now. I think that to pray for another human is the best thing a human can do. I know is lots of good things a human can do for another but for me, to pray is the biggest one.

Andy said...

To be here for Luc is effortless pa. I enjoying do in it. I love him. Thanks though.

aussie said...

you are a lot wiser than your age makes you lucas, your lifes path has seen to that so far
as we get older the paths you choose become harder,
the answer is in gods hards
sometimes we dont like the corner we turn at first,but only after we are there we can see the big picture.

Joe (Grandpa) said...

Luc, "Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it, and virtue is doing it!" - David Star Jordon

Luc, you are a wise young man.


Luc said...

I don`t know if I have wisdom, skill or virtue joe, but thanks tho. @aussie: I just don`t want to go for the rest of my life with this burden. That`s all.

aussie said...

our burdens we do carry,
we all have them
embrace what god has set for you
its in his hands
enjoy what you have now, because tomorrow is another day another adventure