Friday, July 22, 2011


Dear Reader,
            Let me earnestly, and with all urgency, alert you to the fact that this nation is teetering on the edge of an abyss, from which, should it fall in, it may never recover.
            Despite all our bright hopes and plans, and encouraging reports of a growing economy, this nation is terminally ill. No amount of positive thinking will bring about a cure. It will take a miracle for it to survive. One who is terminally ill may deny all the sure signs and clear reports, but it does not change the truth – so too with this country.
            No amount of man’s wisdom will bring a cure. A cabinet made up of the most brilliant lawyers, military strategists, financial wizards, and diplomats cannot save the nation. In fact, such as collection of individuals may only hasten its demise; for quite frankly, the solution is too simple, and would most likely be rejected by such great minds.
            The following questions merit our attention. “What is the nature of the problem which is rapidly destroying our nation?” “What specifically is the problem?” “How did this problem develop?” And lastly, “What can be done to avoid the catastrophe which looms on the horizon?”
            First, let’s consider the true nature of the problem which is destroying this nation. It is not a military one. Our technology is the most advanced in the world, and our production capacity is still the greatest. “We may be stretched, but we will not be broken,” was the slogan of a great professional football team, and it is probably true of this nation as well.
            It is not a medical one. As sad as conditions are in this country, many countries would love to have the medical expertise, technology, and facilities we have. Reducing medical costs will help many, but will not cure this country’s ills.
            It is not even a monetary problem. While our four trillion dollar debt is “a problem,” it is not “the problem.” It is but an indication of a more basic problem. If I could write a check today to cover the deficit, it might bring temporary relief, but it would not be the solution.
            What then is the real nature of the problem? It is a spiritual one. Most, if not all of the other problems we are attempting to solve, are but moral symptoms of the spiritual illness which is destroying this nation.
            What would happen if all illegal drug use was to stop tomorrow?  What would be the impact on the nation’s huge deficit? What would be the impact on medical facilities and all the expenses associated with the illegal use of drugs? Take for example the expenses associated with caring for “crack babies,” who are the unfortunate victims of their mother’s use of crack cocaine during pregnancy! What would be the impact on the cost of the many social services currently being paid for by the government and taxpayers? The answers to these questions are obvious!
            What would happen if the divorce rate was significantly reduced? What impact would there be on our court systems and social services? What impact would there be on the great expense associated with many government funded day care centers? Again the answers are obvious!
            What would happen if AIDS was eliminated? Keep in mind that this deadly disease, like many others, is spread primarily through immoral behavior. What would happen to research costs? What would happen to the hospital expenses associated with treating those with this disease who have no insurance and are thus unable to pay for the very expensive treatment? What would happen to the cost of running special sections in our prisons just to house those with AIDS? The answers are again the same!
            What would happen if people did not cheat on their income taxes? What would happen if pornography was no longer produced? The list could go on and on, but the point is clear – the problem is a spiritual one, and all the other commonly noted problems are but symptoms.
            The real problem, the problem which is destroying this nation is a spiritual one, but what specifically is the problem? Let me refer to the Bible, for in it the problem is clearly defined. In Romans chapter one, we are given a very precise description of how the heathen nations came into existence. We are told that creation was given to man as a clear indication of the existence of a Creator God, and as such man was without excuse (vs. 19-20). Look at the order of the universe around us. Can it really be the result of a “big bang”?  Could such order exist without a Designer? Only an intellectual fool would say, “Yes.” (Psalm 14:1) And that is exactly what happened. Men, “professing themselves to be wise,” did not give God His rightful glory, and by so doing, “they became fools” (vs. 21-22)
            Here then is the primary reason these nations became heathen and have suffered accordingly, and it is the same reason this nation is suffering greatly today – irreverence! They failed to give God His rightful place, and this nation is doing the very same thing! The “fear of God” is gone! Proverbs clearly states that the “fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise (God’s) wisdom and instruction (Prov. 1:7). As in the days of the judges in Israel, “every man is doing what is right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25)
            Let me read another portion from Proverbs chapter one. It clearly describes the consequences of not giving God, His wisdom, and His instruction their rightful place.
 “Because I called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand and no man regarded,
But ye have set at naught all my counsel, and would have none of my reproof,
            I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; when your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish come upon you.
            Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me;
            Because they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord.
            They would have none of my counsel; they despised all my reproof.
            Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.
            For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.
            But whoso hearkened unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.”
This nation was founded on Biblical principles and morals. Thy Liberty Bell contains a verse from Scripture. Our money says, “In God we trust.” The Constitution describes this country as “One nation under God.” The laws of the land were clearly based on those found in Scripture; such as, the Ten Commandments.
This nation prospered when it feared God and gave Him His rightful place! Now it wants to cut off the Hand that has guided, fed, and defended it. This is not only foolish, but it will be fatal as well!
The nation of Israel was delivered from slavery when the living God of heaven systematically destroyed Egypt’s heathen gods. He then miraculously took them through the Red Sea, and would have brought them into the Promised Land had it not been for their unbelief. They too failed to give God His rightful place, and even went as far as making a golden calf and giving the credit for their deliverance to an idol! “How foolish,” we might say, but the United States of America is doing the very same thing by forgetting Who made us what we are!
I humbly invite you to evaluate the moral decline of this nation from the time we took the Bible and prayer out of our public schools. Today these very schools are filled with weapons and violence, to the point where many teachers are quitting. (Strangely, at the same time many elementary schools are teaching our children that there are no absolutes, and promoting situational ethics!)
Many parents simply cannot control their children, as there is a total lack of respect for authority. Police cannot contain the violence, and our prisons are too few, and too small to hold all those who rebel against the laws of the land. (2 Timothy 3:1-4)
All of these moral problems stem from the spiritual illness of irreverence. There is no fear of God among the leaders of our nation, and thus very little among its citizens.
Romans chapter one goes on to tell us of the downward steps that follow the lack of reverence for our Creator God. Ingratitude followed irreverence. Men failed to give God his right praise – “neither were thankful” (vs. 21). They failed to acknowledge the source of their blessings. They became self-sufficient. They gave themselves the credit for all they had received. (Daniel 4:30) This nation is doing the same. We may honor God with our lips, and say, “God bless America,” but we fail to give Him the praise when He does! We honor Him with our lips, but our hearts are far from Him!
Intellectual pride followed, and by professing to be superior to God men actually became simpletons (vs. 22). They exalted man to a wrong place and shut God out of their thinking (vs. 25). This resulted in spiritual darkness. This nation has done the same, and it is no wonder that occult practices and Satanism are increasing at alarming rates.
Idolatry came next with its warped view of God, and man (vs. 23). Idols took the place of God, and man’s view of God declined, even to the point of worshipping “creeping things.” Is nation’s infatuation with pleasure and sensual desires is a clear indication that we have followed in their footsteps!
The last downward step was that of immorality (vs. 24-32). In reading these verses one cannot help but come to the conclusion that they are a perfect description of what is taking place in this nation today.
Man gave up God, and thus God gave up man, and left him to his own desires. The bottom was reached when men and women left the “natural use” of their bodies, and lusted after those of the same sex. Homosexuality was the last step in the spiritual and moral decline which resulted when man failed to give God His rightful place! Homosexuality was the end of the line! Sadly, it is also a clear indication that this nation, founded “under God,” is rapidly becoming a heathen nation and is very clearly suffering the consequences!
A child can look at the anatomy of a man and of a woman and tell you what the Bible means by the “natural use” of the body. Intellectual giants, without any fear of God, tell us that homosexuality is an “alternate lifestyle,” but the truth is that it is an indication of the extent of moral perversion that has come into this country due to its failure to reverence God! God did not spare Sodom and we must not think that He will overlook our wickedness and spare this nation! (Luke 17:28-30)
It has been wisely said, “Iniquity is more prevalent when it is not controlled by the disapproval of others, but rather it receives approbation and applause.” This is exactly what we read in the last verse of Romans chapter one, when we read, “Who, knowing the judgment of God, that they who commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them.”
This nation has come to the end of its rope! We have gone the full cycle of irreverence, ingratitude, intellectual pride, idolatry, and immorality. What is happening now is due to the fact that God has taken His hands off, and is allowing us to run the show; however, keep in mind that we abandoned Him first! If we continue to suppress the truth we are doomed! No “ifs,” “ands,” or “buts,” we are doomed! You can count on it!
There is hope! Without God there is no hope. In our pride we may think differently, but this is the truth! No “new age movement” with a “superman” as its leader can cure our terminal illness. However, with God there is hope!
Let me read you another portion from the Bible. It is found in 2 Chronicles 7:13-14, and while this was written to the nation of Israel, its principles would certainly apply to this nation. God is speaking to Solomon and says:
“If I shut up heaven that there is no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or I send pestilence among my people;
            If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
Dear Reader, let me remind you, that the nation of Israel got so far away from God that it sacrificed its babies by throwing them into the fiery arms of molten idols – much like we are sacrificing many unborn babies to the idols of “selfishness” and “convenience” today – but when they repented, God took them back!
You no doubt know the story of the prodigal son, and how when he repented of his sin and came home, the arms of the father were wide open! So too with God! If this nation would repent of its sins – which includes forsaking its evil ways – God would surely spare it.
When the nation of Israel repented, it was the King of Israel that usually repented first! Would our President lead this nation in repentance and spare us God’s judgment? Would our President openly acknowledge this country’s sin, and acknowledge our need to give the God of the Bible His rightful place? Or will we, as a nation, continue in our own wisdom and pride and suffer God’s righteous judgment?
Let me close with another portion from the Bible which clearly states the action this nation must take to survive.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; lean not unto thine own understanding.
            In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
What is true of our nation, can also be true of you, the reader, as an individual. You, as an individual may be guilty of the very things of which this nation is guilty.
Do you fear God? Do you reverence Him and give Him His rightful place in your life? Or have you set Him and His instruction aside and lived as you cared to? Are you thankful for His many blessings to you, or do you take them for granted? In your intellectual pride, do you really think you have the answers to life, and more importantly, to death? Do you practice immorality? Do you really think man can live without being responsible to his Creator? One thing is sure, just as these things will bring God’s judgment on the nation, they will bring God’s judgment on you as well.
The Bible is not all doom and gloom. It contains a great deal of good news. This good news is called “the Gospel.” The Gospel, or good news, is that God wants to bring men back into harmony with Himself. He wants to forgive them, and bless them. (Romans 1:16) However, as a Holy and righteous God, He could not just overlook their sins. Justice must be served! (Romans 6:23)
Here’s the good news! Jesus Christ, God’s own Son, came and willingly died for our sins, thus paying the penalty of death. (Hebrews 9:26)
There are this you personally must do in order to be saved from His righteous judgment against your sins, and to be at peace with Him. First, you must repent of your sin. (Acts 17:30) That means you must acknowledge that you have rebelled and sinned against God. Second, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. (Acts 16:30-31
Will you repent of your sins, and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior? If you will, God will forgive your sins and bring you back into harmony with Himself, and give you eternal life in Christ Jesus. If not, you must face God’s judgment on your sins. (2 Thess. 1:7-9)
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

Adapted from a sermon given in January, 1993.
Published by Spread The Word

I hope that every body think about this.


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