Wednesday, June 15, 2011

EXCITED (by Andy)

Isn`t he awesome!

I like to use his things (but not all of them) because!!!
Give me lots of confidence. Is so cool to know I am allow.
Yes, I got all, but in a way I`m telling him that I love him thought.
I love everything that is related to him. That`s all.

Yes, I know. I`m all excited today. LOOL!



P.S. OMG Vic. I got it "excited". I fix it all ready. Thanks! LOOL!


Luc said...

(deep sigh)hum! I have to keep an eye on him, he gets dangerous when he is this exited.;):)
You just the qtst little buddy.

Vic said...

Hi Mr sexy,loool

What are you going to do when he hides his pjamas? runaround cupping your privates with one hand and searching with the other until you get goose pimples.

Take note, it's not Exited but excited, allowances made for your exited condition, see the doctor in the morning for a proper diagnosis.

Love ya
Hugs Vic

db said...

I love you guys so much.

Joe drove to San Antonio today, & just informed me, you fellows cut your trip short.

It's great to have you back home.

I had no idea you were posting this week.

WOW you guys have been through a lot.

I pray the Peace of God will fill your hearts & home right now & for ever more.

Andy said...

DAVE! My favorite bear!
Thanks. You know I love you.
We pray for you too. Every day.

db said...

Andy, Your My Hero

Andy said...

I`m just me David.:)