Another beautiful day with Luc.
We saw the rest of the videos. One of them was for Andres, Steve and me. I am in a state of euphoria.
Was just mind blowing to heard Rob speaking to me.
Uncle Robert and Steve Mum will talk about when is an appropriate moment for the kids to watch Rob talking to them.
Luc have to adjust after this but is been so good for him. I love Luc. I will never get tired to say it.
The place we went before lunch downtown Madrid, was the cemetery. He put flowers in Rob`s grave and talked to him for few minutes, my self as well.
After lunch we went to now our favorite park and just talked. We laugh and cried. I know this step in Luc`s healing is definitive. I know. I know Luc. Does not meant that is cure, but the process of emotional stability have made a giant step forward. Luc is so pure. I really have no words to express all my feelings around all this. They are so many and all good. After several years of bullying, rejection and depression, trying to take my own life twice, finding so much love in this family, in Rob, Luc, Andres and Steve, have been a blessing from God. They taught my Dad to give me expressive love and have been a dream for me. I am crazy about my Dad. I am crazy about my brothers. I am crazy about Luc. I am crazy over all of them, about God.
Luc told me after we went to the park, that we will heading to our favorite Ice Cream shop. When we get there, Luc told me to follow him to a terrace they have, when we get in I just start weeping, every body was there. Uncle Robert, Luc grannies, grandpa and parents, all the boys (eleven Luc`s friends from the Academy in their Cadets uniforms) and my parents. The boys from the Academy stood up in attention at the command of the leader, Hernandez, and they made two lines for Luc to walk through and start to clap like: clapclap-clap, clapclap-clap, very quick but few seconds in between every set of claps. Luc salute them, tearing down and walk through to greet every body. Luc explain to me later that that is a highly expression of respect and recognition, but it have to be earned, is kind of a personal ritual at the Academy, they just said with that "We love you, respect you and will go with you as our leader to our last blood drop" which meant "to death". Luc was very moved for this and were sobbing when they all hugged. They went like "HORNECK" at the same time and was so good to see Luc so moved. Luc told them "You guys got me bad", "You deserve it" they answered him, "Thank you. Thank you guys." Then the clown of the group, Duarte, all teary eyes "Put your butt in that chair Horneck. The Ice Cream will melt down". Every body in the terrace start laughing as Luc were hugging him. Those boys are just awesome! Theeeen.... two of the boys took out of a back pack a sheet they brought from home, grabbed me, throw me on it and the last thing I remember is that I was in the air, back down, air again, and was so cool, they stop and I step down, then they all hugged me telling me that I am one of them, that the heart, determination, valor and qualities as a human being I got, in their eyes made me a soldier. I start to cry. Luc was sobbing and every body went in an applause. My Dad was so proud and I really cried bad when he hugged me. Luc just scream YES!!, then "I won`t say nothing because I don`t want Duarte telling me to put my ass in my chair because the Ice Cream, so, lets eat." Luc said. We all laugh. Well, not before Andres and Steve were jumped on the blanked too. They ask and the boys were happy to do it. We all have an awesome time there.
Back home we went to the pool for a while, Luc thank the boys, we have a devotional time with all the families around the pool, every one was there, including the employees and uncle Lucas took charge. That was the most beautiful time of the whole day. All Luc`s friends were teary eyes when Andres and Steve said the final prayers for uncle Lucas request. They went to the little ones and hugged them so moved that I cried. Yes I know. I am a crying boy, so what?
(Ok. I started the next paragraph to close the post and start to joke with Luc because I am seating on his lap. I was starting to delete the joke part but Luc told me not to, to leave it like that and explain what just happened. This is what happened: When he read what I type, about me feeling something very hard against my butt, we start to laugh and he told me "Ok, let me accommodate it." He pull me back for me to seat when done and then I was feeling the contractions of his body because he was laughing bad, but I thought that he was still laughing about the last joke, then I felt something in between my legs that does not belong to me and when I looked down I saw a huge hard noodle that is not mine, I went like "What the....." and turn my head at the same time that Luc explode laughing with his face all red. We have a gooood loooong laugh. Luc humor is one of the things I love him so much. AAwww, I am getting my face almost erased with kisses. I am happy and grateful to God. Very grateful.)
I am with Luc in our bedroom. Luc is just fun. He seated in the power chair that he got here and told me "Come Andy, seat on my lap to blog". I did but now I am feeling something very hard pressing against my butt and you need to do something about it Luc. Luc? LOOOOL (then you know the rest all ready).
Kids be careful out there. Express love. Trust God.
Love you all,
Andy, Luc,
What an awesome day!! How great is our God!! Congratulations to the little soldier! Well more like "little warrior"! I am so happy for the both of you.
God has been so good to the both of you (and your familes), but then again, you have drawn yourselves so close to God in you love, faith and trust. I can't imagine anyone being any closer to God than you two. When we talk, I can feel the nearness of God in your lives.
God bless you my friends,
Thank you Pa.
Hi Luc & Andy
That was a perfect day by any means, and having the cadet crew joining in was an unexpected bonus and quite a surprise. Now young Luc, since when does an ice cream make your noodle go hard, tell me the secret so I can try it myself. Don't blame Andy, he's a sweet innocent guy, or is he?
Keep having fun, you're coming along fine and that's always nice to see.
Ice cream doesn`t make my noodle go hard, goes hard often because I`m 15yo and yes, Andy is a sweet innocent guy, and thanks;-)
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