Saturday, October 8, 2011


I can`t describe the emotions inside me.
I can`t believe Ro`s love.
He have been there for me even after death.
His love numbed me.
Yes have been sad because memories.
I get in desperation couple of times and have to stop and scream out his name, but have been the best medicine ever for me. Have been the most effective therapy for me to heal. I am my self again. I feel that tons of weight have been lifted from my shoulders. My heart and soul are lite. I just been tearing down without stop but out of happiness. I have been cleaning out my whole inside.  I really have start my healing process. I am so thankful to God for His mercy and compassion towards me.

We wake up about 9AM, took breakfast and Andy and I finish to watch Ro videos. I made a DVD with all of them and give a copy to Andy. I want to be with Andy the rest of the day. We will go to one place before to go to downtown Madrid for lunch. I want to go to Ro and I favorite park and seat and just enjoy Andy. Andy is enjoyable. I enjoy every single minute with him. I am so happy to have him in my life. He is priceless. I got a jewel. Ro was so right about him. So right. I wish every kid to have an Andy as a friend. Will change your life for good.

My emotional state is raw, but for good. Just too sensible to everything. Just to see my two little buddies this morning when they jump on my bed made me broke down out of love and happiness. The whole world around me is so alive again. The colors so vivid. Nature so beautiful. And like: "Bring it on life. Whatever you got I am so ready for you" attitude.

This last expression of so pure love of Ro towards me have change something pretty deep inside me for good. I have been blessed. Love is the most powerful thing. No wonder love is God it self. Ro last act of love light up and brought back to life something inside me that was dead, that is my self.

Thank you my beautiful little brother. Thank you Ro.

I got Victory through God.

Thanks so much to all of you.

Love you all.



Joe (Grandpa) said...

AWESOME!!!! Rob knew you so well. He also knew that it would take a lot of time for you to be ready to face the pain of his loss. Rob and God loves you so much. They worked together to send you that awesome, awesome little angel to love you. And truly, Andy is the deepest, purest love there is. He also suffered early in his life so that he would understand and be ready to help you through your pain and suffering. Now the two of you will be the most wonderful of brothers there is. Together, you will continue to show that most wonderful love of God to all about you. You will be(and ARE) examples of what God's love is all about. I know that heaven is rejoicing today. Luc, although you were silently suffering inside, you always put others before your own needs. Your deep love that you shared so willingly and openly now has come back to you from beyond the grave. How great and wonderful is our God!!

I love you Luc and Andy.


Luc said...

I agreed with you 100% Joe. Thanks and congrats for your new job. We are so happy.

Vic said...

Hi Luc

You sound so relaxed and much more positive after watching Robert's videos, and I do question whether his spirit made you vomit yesterday to make room for himself. That in it's self is a lovely though to bare in mind, because I wouldn't put anything past him to get you well again.

We all live better if we keep our positive thoughts in view, and this is how we can avoid the things that make us sad. I take to heart that losing some one so special is hard but, we have to celebrate that life and not dwell upon the circumstances in which they went. So yes, you are right when you said "Bring it on life. Whatever you got I am so ready for you" That is how to be positive, and how you avoid what messed your mind up so much.

Take care Luc, you're a wonderful smart guy.

Luc said...

I think I will always carried a piece of Ro spirit. (In figure)And try God positive thoughts Vic, I highly recommend it to you. My expression "Bring it on life" and on, have been the result of a chain of events in my life that I think God place in order for my benefit. Thanks.