Wednesday, September 28, 2011

GRATEFUL (by Lucas)

Yes I am grateful to God for allow me and be with me to this exact moment in my life. After Ro leave so untimely I thought my life was done.
I found this videos and they express lots of what I have been understanding about life. I have ask God hundred of times why He allows that person to hurt Ro in a so brutal way, but I stop doing it and start accepting it.
I personally believe that God is in charge of everything that happen in the life of every one of His children and that He got a purpose in every event we going through.
This videos are for Ro (he came to my life for something), the ones I consider my little brothers (specially to you Andy), all the kids out there (specially to any one that have been sexually abused).

I believe God always have a way to help you out to overcome anything. I should know, He have been helping me every day of my life.

I will able to go back to Spain next Sunday. I am very happy that Andres and Steve are here since yesterday to stay with me. We are having an awesome time. They just fill my life with love and happiness.
I have been learning from them so much. I never will be able to express the love I have for Andy. I think about my life and how God send him to me and I always ends up crying. He complete my life in a so special way. He is a so special kid. Oh God I just love him.
I have not even close to leave and I am missing Jessy all ready. I want so bad to take him with me.
I am happy to be able to go back. I am excited to go back to the Academy.

Kids be careful out there. Trust God.
Parents be on your kids. Express love to them.

Love you all.



Joe (Grandpa) said...


AWESOME!!! You have grown so much in wisdom and insight in these last few difficult months. You have always put God first and let Him be your guide even when things seemed so very desperate. Your love and faith in the Heavenly Father is a wonderful example to Andy, Andres, Jessy and Steve and all the rest of us. Thank you.

May God continue to guide and bless you with His awesome love and care.

Te amor


Vic said...

Hi Lucas

It's so pleasing to see how much love and happiness is coming into your life, and how Robert is still very much alive in your heart as you move forward.

The academy is giving you a much needed social contact with others your age, and to think a few months ago you were worried stiff about going there. The idea of being a team member has grabbed you by the balls, and comrade Lucas you are a man of distinction, yeah, I like that bit. :)

Take care mate.

Anonymous said...

Luc tu eres el mejor hermano que yo nunca he tenido. Te amo.

Steve said...

You are my best big bro ever. I have learn a lot from you too. Thank you and I love you.

Andy said...

Oh Luc you just you and that is why I love you.

Luc said...

@ Joe, Thank you. I agreed. @Viv, Thank you and I agreed with you too.
@ Andres,Steve and Andy, You are my love. I adore you all. Thank you.

Jessy said...

Thank you Luc. You are the best big bro I ever had. Yes, I will miss you too but you know I will be fine. I love you Luc.

Luc said...

Love you Jessy. Loooooots!

db said...

Minister Lucas,

I remember, one late afternoon last week, I was feeling pain/sick inside my body. Then You called me. After about 20 minutes into our conversation that horrible sickness was gone. I was "amazed" when I realized I didn't hurt anymore.

True fellowship within the family of God brings about incredible blessings.

I can't thank our Lord enough for His ways.

Thank You for sharing Your life with us all.


Luc said...

WHOW! Now I don`t know what to say. Well I can say that I love you. Thanks David.