Saturday, August 6, 2011


This are two of the best websites I have ever found.

I hope they will stay there for ever.


P.S. I miss you.
"Some people make the world special just by being in it." (Anonymous)
I heard this on the TV and thought about you, because you`re always on my mind. And in my prayers too.


Luc said...

That`s why I live in a so special world, because you are in it. You know I miss you and I got you in my prayers and mind all the time. I love you Jessy. You`re very special to me.

Billy Holman said...

My goodness, I am surrounded by so many awesome people. Jessy, I will be there with you in spirit if you need me. Luc, love you buddy, good luck :)

Vic said...

Hi Jessy

When I saw you posting here my heart did a double sommersault, it was simply awesome. When kids need a friend they get the very best here, and many would have read about you to know what I am talking about.

I hope kids will feel the warmth of your friendship, and reach out for your words of comfort, that will ultimately make a big difference to their lives.

Miss Luc too, hope he's making good.

Jessy said...

I love you Luc. Than you Billy and Vic.

Joe (Grandpa) said...


I am so proud of you!! Your love has so richly blessed so many people. Truly, the quote, "Some people.....," would mean you also. I am honored to know you. May God continue to hold you close to His breast.

My love,


Jessy said...

Than you Joe.