This is so awesome!
Some body wich his name is Jeff, just send me an email with all the posts of the blog.
I`ll, we will never, be able to pay back.
This are the kind of things in life, that are priceless.
Oh Jeff, who ever you are, I thank you from the deepest of my heart.
Thanks Jeff.
Very much.
Oh God, I`m just crying, this is so awesome!
You doesn`t need to apologize for save all the posts. Actually, this was the intention of Rob, that people spread the message of the blog.
I`m speechless! God just answer our prayers.
Love you Jeff.
Vic said...
Thanks Jeff, you not only saved the day but also preserved the diary treasured so much by Luc and all his family. My guts were tied in knots when
it became known that the contents of his blog had been accidently deleted, and it was a million to one chance any one else had it saved, so great work mate, you are a awesome guy.

Vic said...
Hey Luc, 'aint it a beautiful day today, let's call it Saint Jeff Day, the patron saint of happiness.
We all love you kid.

Luc said...
Oh yes! LOL
Thanks Vic!

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