Well, I said that the situation with the AZOV films owner that was acusing Ruben to be a pedophile, was close, but I get an email from an adult, with this about AZOV films in a Russian newspaper.
I`ll let you to decide and for the kids to open their eyes.
"Crimean boys are used as expensive prostitutes?
19.04.2011 08:51
Journalistic investigation on the participation of Crimean boys "naturist" video and photography, are on the peninsula held simferopolets who calls himself an ice pick on the Internet (nick changed). Investigation of this case has already occupied the Crimean police, and while law enforcement officers can not tell us about the investigation so as not to harm him. Meanwhile, we continue to receive information that gives reason to believe that Ledorub not only made films with the participation of Crimean naked boys, but also underlay them at vip-clients as expensive prostitutes.
Author: Julia Israfilov, "1"
Internet: good and evil
As well, in due time came the Internet. And how bad it is. The World Wide Web is both good and evil simultaneously. Well, for example, with regard to pedophiles: almost 90% of deviants entrenched in his addiction thanks to the Internet. At first they suffered from its "irregularities" in the dungeons of the home, and then, when there was an Internet, began to communicate with their like, and then they had a firm belief that "we are many, we are a force, we are right ..."
But as you know, every action causes a reaction. At the same time thanks to the Internet, numerous volunteer organizations who are fighting every way and are struggling with pedophiles and pedophilia in general. On one of them said "1" is our Anonymous (human him thank you for your cooperation).
That organization is called the "Militia of manners." She has created an official website where released database of pedophiles and their victims. The site presents the results of a unique network investigation of organized criminal groups of pedophiles, seduce hundreds of underage boys from the former CIS. As the authors write the site, the materials of these crimes are true and were placed at our disposal by implementing a disguised pedofilskuyu network of front men, as well as through recruitment of pedophile-whistleblower.
Proceedings of the site are updated periodically, and recently it got a lot of information about the Crimean ice axes. Naturally, that antipedofilskom site listed real name and nickname ice pick, but we still do not call them, taking into account the interests of the investigation.
"Naturist Business
One of the articles posted on this site http://druzhinanr.atwebpages.com (by the way, access to it right now for some reason unavailable), explains that Ledorub was seen in pedofilskoy get-together at the end of 1990. One of the first mentions of it to the web is found in 2000 in the reference section at pedofilskom portal with the pretentious name "The Great virtual ring.
Here Ledorub settled in the vicinity of the Russian National Boylan server "famous Russian pedophile soup, Rybakov and" circle of pedophiles-masturbation. " More widely known among pedophiles Ledorub acquired as the author of a huge number of videos with the participation of Crimean boys. Now experts are exploring these videos, by establishing whether they are pornographic or naturist, as their positioning himself Ledorub.
"We tried to find videos ice pick, in which he was a true naturist would remove themselves and their families in the nude, as do real naturists, but have not found ... - Wrote "The brigade morals" and continues. - In the case of an ice pick takes place not naturism as banal peeping (voyeurism), a pedophile for the genitals of children, with only one gender - male. Believe me, no self-respecting connoisseur of naturism will not shoot such films, especially for sale at pedofilskih sites.
Naturism ledoruba really far from the traditional, and the indisputable fact is confirmed by pedophiles themselves. Relishing in their forums movies ice pick, they did not discuss the aesthetics of naturism, but quite something else: how much he pays his "superstar" for an hour shoot and how to "remove" these boys for the night? In this case, pedophiles cynically mock the hapless children, noticed that nezagorelye parts of their bodies give them naturists in inverted commas, which are bare for the first time over the summer for the money.
The other day "1" was the new "naturist" videos and photos ice axes. Displayed on the site they named Boyjoy, containing a huge number of explicit porn pedofilskim and homosexual bias. Among other video movie ledoruba with Crimean boy named Sasha (name changed), which is "superstar" ledorubovskoy nudity (we already wrote about it). In minute video is absolutely naked teen having sex with a "rubber woman" from a sex shop.
Immediately under the name Kenny posted a series of photographs of the Crimean another boy - he is just like Sasha, from his childhood he was a member of the official club ice axes (we have a demonstrative video). In these pictures completely naked Kenni masturbating in some cheap hotel room, and in a close with all its consequences. And all this is called a naturist? Net pornography! Rather, dirty.
It is clear that an unhealthy interest in ice axes for the shooting of naked boys who were also engaged in sex in front of the camera, not just his "hobby", but quite a successful "business". Sale films not only brought fame and glory pervert among the like, but also laid the groundwork for its not a small state.
Recall the "business" ice ax - one of the main functions of the international syndicate pedofilskogo under common "roof" Azov-Films . "The Club" ice ax - his Crimean branch, along with Lugansky, Western Ukrainian (Chernivtsi), Irkutsk (former Baikal-Films), Romanian and others. Main site Azov-Films and the headquarters of a criminal syndicate are in Canada (Toronto).
From theory to practice?
Despite the absolute lack of talent, video ledoruba very soon conquered the global market for pornography pedophiles. Many foreign and local pedophiles fell out with unbridled passion for ledorubovskim boys. Bribed their looseness and the apparent accessibility of the naked body: it seemed, Stretch hands, and it is already in your arms. As it turns out Ledorub not miss the opportunity to "earn" and on this, and gradually turned much of his "business" in the sex-tourism for the wealthy pedophiles.
According to our anonymous and "Militia of morals" for pedophiles, who do not like camping scout camps, and enjoy ledorubovskoy "zaychatinki" (incidentally, the "stowaways" to each other pedophiles called boys) really want an ice offers tours to bases in the Crimea the company of boys under the guise of various "festivals" and "events". The interiors of one of these databases - "private estates Alimov Balka" - thinly veiled in many movies, ice axes.
Of course, outwardly it looks decently, everything taboo is hidden from prying eyes.However, much of what is happening there, it is possible to understand the details of some personnel. For example, one of them depicts a special room with no windows, equipped with a huge bed, which occupies almost all the space of the room. On the wall of a large mirror (behind the boy), obviously, for those who yearn to see everything happening simultaneously in different projections.
In addition, according to "Militia manners", several phrases boys movie soundtrack raise serious suspicions that pedophiles do not just use these kids as "cover girl", but also subjected them to sexual violence. That transcript fragment movie soundtracks Azov-Films - Vladik Remembered Vol 2DVD, which is posted on the website "Militia of manners:" What is going? - I'm leaving ... it will not hurt! "
Obviously, it is that those who will voluntarily pay more, that's only going to hurt, and not all boys are like. But deciphering the fragment movie soundtracks Azov-Films - Scenes from Crimea Vol.4 (2009): "When you're on an operation well ... do what you do there?" In these dialogues involving two: Chipollino (nickname is changed) and Philip (Phil ), this scene is recorded at 71-minute film. The boys get up to mischief, especially Chipollino, and Philip, somewhat offended, decided to put another in place, hinting to him who he is.
Criminal "roof"
"Business" ledoruba carefully disguised tourism, scout movement, naturism, and never by itself does not advertise. But all the secret sooner or later becomes apparent. The first alarm bell was sounded in 2001 after a visit to the Crimea by German artist known pedophile Otto Lomyullera which krymchanin, "naturist" invited guests (as we have already mentioned). According to the anonymous, the artist met with the boys, ice axes, and even visited with a sauna.
Upon returning to Germany, border guards discovered a Lomyullera photos of naked children, and immediately made a request through Interpol, if there was any violence.Anonymous writes us, "from a source close to your police station and credible, sex between Lomyullerom and children was, but then no complaints filed, and now will not - Ledorub pays the children and their parents ..." In how!
The artist then was accused of pedophilia, and Lomyulleru took a lot of effort and money to hush up the matter. Strongly mess then and ice, but last helped to escape responsibility those most influential pedophiles, whom he, according to information received from the site "Militia morals", "treated" (though other personal property) boys. As pointed out by "Militia", among these freaks a lot of very famous people, reading the names of which will inevitably cause a huge scandal in the Crimea, and not only.
Mention so far only one helper, who had long been known as a pedophile, prikormlenny ax. We are talking about the famous pornofotografe Krivon (Sting) - also known as Alexander P. Krivonogov (born in 1958 in Munich). As well as the Azov-Films, a firm in Germany Krivonogova Krivon-Image International sold to pedophiles movies ice axes.However, except for "business", an ice pick and Krivonogova bound and much more.
All pedofilskaya tusovka knows that Krivonogov personally have repeatedly used the services of ice axes, and by the very highest category - it is not served by any chance the boys had bought at the station, and "Superstar" ledorubovskoy anthology - Sasha (the same one who had sex with a rubber doll). Is no coincidence that footage with Sasha offer many of the films ledoruba issued Krivonogova. As we wrote in 2009, Alex died tragically in a car crash under mysterious circumstances.
His death was a serious blow to the "business" ice axes. Sasha continued to work on it and after grown up and ceased to interest pedophiles as human merchandise. He acted as a pimp, delivering Ledorub new candidates to the "superstar", and starred in adult porn films (we also have a video).
For past and current "merit" to the firm ledoruba vip-pedophiles even gave Sasha a brand new foreign car in which he crashed. Now law enforcement officers are scratching their heads: if this was not aligned to the accident? Because it occurred, according to witnesses, just the plain, where nothing that interfered and did not pose a potential danger.
Probably the secret of this tragedy will remain undisclosed. We note only that Ledorub was quite capable of silencing his former "superstar". "Militia morals" found that the son-in-ice ax is a member of the well-known in the Crimea, organized crime, which he uses in his order for the "protection racket" "business" test.
By the way, the publication of "1" on the activities of ledoruba sparked violent reactions pedophiles. On their forums, but insults and threats, child molesters accused journalists of his publications that we break the psyche of children and exposes them to danger. It sounds outrageous! Hell is for children creates pedophiles, and they break the psyche and the fate of the children. Perverts should look in the mirror if they want to see the real culprits of the tragedy of child.
Obviously, knowing that the project Azov-Films has exhausted its possibilities, its creators have launched a new porn site EuroWold Studios with the same content as the previous.In this case, pedophiles have attempted to cover up the traces: revelatory articles in the press about the activities of Azov-Films pedophiles announced the machinations of the mythical "competitors", which opened EuroWold Studios, - about it, they even wrote a commentary on the website of the newspaper. In fact, the owners of Azov-Films and EuroWold Studios - the same person.
The harder pedophiles away from punishment for their crimes, so abundant they curse all who oppose them. Threats received against those who fight against pedophiles, once again proving that ice pick and his company have something to hide from justice."
Whoa! this really scares me, no wonder our parents doesn`t want us posting our pics. They even have told us that if we want to go nude at the beach, will be in our beach and in Europe, they even have start suggesting to stop going nude at any beach at all, that if we want to go nude, we better start thinking in our pool, no more. No wonder.
Hope this will serve for parents and kids, to open their eyes.
And I am piss now at the AZOV owner. Is this person the one accusing Ruben to be a pedophile? The guy got balls I must say. But he mess with the wrong kid. Yeah he did.
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