I need help!
I`m so down and frustrated.
I`m so sure I saved the blog posts, but I can`t find them.
I`ve been trying to contact Google, but they haven`t answer me.
I`ve been trying to contact the kid I give my old laptop, cus I think that maybe is there. He`ll be here today, but I`m not sure.
My dad order a software that is maybe able to recover from a hard drive, deleted files. Hope it works.
I feel so silly rit now cus this. How in the world I`ve been so disorganize to allow this to happen? UGH!
Don`t know what`s going on with me. I wasn`t like this.
I don`t know if any of you for any reason have save some posts from the blog, and would be so nice and please, let me know.
I`ll really appreciate it. For ever.
All this cus I was trying to make the blog private, till later; cus the issue with the AZOV guy, Mr. Steve.
And cus I want to posts pics of us, wich is absolutely not necessary.
Well, I think life is a journey, that you never stop learning.
I like this: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts".
I won`t give up, till I try every way to find the posts.
I think this will be all for now.
Kids? Here is some one that loves you all.
Vic said...
Hi Luc
This link may be of help www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000342.htm -
Understanding your problem in detail is the best way of solving it, and you may find the above link more useful than not. Do not save any new data until you run the recovery program first, because deleted data can be over written making recovery less likely. I hope whatever you do gets the job done, if not the internet is full of useful advice and there some clever buffs who can help you out.
Finger crossed.

Luc said...
Thanks lots Vic. I for sure will try it.

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